Performing in public places
Music Event
. . . thanks again Karen…it was wonderful…you sounded terrific and I was so happy to be part of your night! And when I am down your way absolutely will come sing with you again!!! . . .
MaryJo Mundy
Plaza Bar
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Karen At The Keys (Second Sunday)
It was a wonderful night of of music and good friends! I love the variety and surprises of the evening in such beautiful atmosphere!
Donna Scheerer
Plaza Bar
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Karen At The Keys (Second Sunday)
Truly nice! We stayed longer than planned smile emoticon and missed other evening plans. Thank you for great time
Linda Piro
Plaza Bar
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Karen A The Keys (Second Sunday)
Thank you Sher Krieger for introducing me to Karen. I think she is amazing . . .
Susan Bray
Plaza Bar
Sunday, August 9, 2015
The Spirit of Cabaret | Dinner + Show
Re: The Spirit of Cabaret | Dinner + Show: We All loved the was most Wonderful!!! In every way! We look forward to Special evenings of more Musical Journeys and warmth!
Donna Scheerer
San Diego
Wednesday, June 3, 2015