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Trains & Boats & Planes, Oh My!

Trains & Boats & Planes, Oh My! Cabaret show starring Karen Giorgio with special guest Vinny Di Figlia and musical director Sherry Markham on piano and

Trains & Boats & Planes, Oh My! -- Trailer

Trains & Boats & Planes, Oh My!
- - - Confessions of a globetrotting songstress

Video Stage

These are videos of my past shows, special appearances, and other fun times.  You can watch the videos by clicking on the play symbol over the image. Click on the 4-point star in the lower right to bring the video up to the full screen of your monitor. To get back to your normal view, click on the 4-pointed star to the left of the "vimeo" word or press the "esc" key.

Trains & Boats & Planes, Oh My!

--- and you've got them, . . . so MANY magic moments, far & wide, Asia & elsewhere. I always love your shows as you talk about your vast travels, making the patter so interesting to all your listeners as well as hearing your great singing. xoxo
Claudia Sussman
Cabaret Artists in the Spotlight
Sunday, February 2, 2014
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